VCS REDD+ CCB Gold Vintage 2019 20kt
This assessment represents the value of one voluntary carbon credit from the avoided deforestation (REDD+) sector with additional Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Gold status accreditation from the Verra emissions registry, produced in the period to the end of 2019. It is an average of ten projects: Envira Amazonia (VCS1382), Katingan (VCS1477), Kariba (VCS902), Southern Cardamom (VCS1748) and Rimba Raya (VCS674), Mai Ndombe (VCS934), Tambopata (VCS1067), Rio Anapu (VCS2252), Cordillera Azul (VCS985) and Keo Seima (VCS1650). From 26 July 2023, the following five projects were added into the assessment: Mai Ndombe, Tambopata, Rio Anapu, Cordillera Azul and Keo Seima. Indicative Project ID VCS1382, VCS1477, VCS902, VCS1748, VCS674, VCS934, VCS1067, VCS2252, VCS985, VCS1650
Currency and unit of measure: $/offset
Incoterm: REG
Quantity: 20000
Time of assessment: 12:00:00 UTC
Publishing frequency: Daily
Start Date: 01.12.2021
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