RFP: Qatar's CACE publishes Article 6 call for proposals

7 Mar 2024

Date for submissions: 29 March 2024.

Contacts: Raed Al-Qawasmeh (r.alqawasmeh@cace.gord.qa) and Alexandra Soezer (a.soezer@cace.gord.qa).

  • LOT 1 - Development of Article 6 National Regulatory Framework, ITMO processes and templates
  • LOT 2 - Article 6.2 Capacity Building to governments and public and private stakeholders
  • LOT 3 – Technical Assistance

In line with its overarching objectives, CACE extends an invitation to eligible companies to actively participate in the collaborative journey towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient economy.

External experts, working in tandem with CACE internal staff, will be instrumental in executing a series of tasks grouped into three lots, spanning diverse target countries and projects.

The eligibility criterion is exclusive to companies capable of demonstrating the technical prowess required for successful project implementation.

This Call for Proposals serves as a gateway for companies to contribute to a pivotal shift in technology, energy, economics, finance, and societal behavior at both local and global levels.


CACE, launched by the Gulf Organisation for Research & Development (GORD) at the 28th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 28) in Dubai, is aimed at catalyzing the implementation of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

It focuses on advancing the goals outlined in Article 6, which aims to increase the ambition of global efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We recognize the pivotal role that international cooperation and innovative market and non-market mechanisms can play in addressing climate change.

Through a comprehensive package of high-impact solutions CACE supports governments and the private sector to curb emissions and advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), catalyzing public-private partnerships.

The CACE provides countries with technical assistance to enter Article 6 carbon markets, in addition to facilitating the reduction and removal of emissions, mobilizing climate finance, providing value for money for investors, and generating new projects.

Guided by Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, CACE is designed to support countries in creating enabling conditions that stimulate critical funding into projects that reduce and/or remove emissions and support sustainable development.

Mission and Scope

CACE stands as a multifaceted entity, dedicated to providing comprehensive support to governments and the private sector.

Through a meticulous blend of technical assistance, market facilitation, and financial mobilization, CACE endeavours to catalyze transformative projects that not only curb emissions but also propel sustainable development initiatives.

The centre's mission, intricately tied to the principles embedded in Article 6, revolves around creating the necessary conditions to attract vital funding for projects that align with emission reduction goals and foster sustainable development.