Corsia receives 11 applications from potential suppliers

5 May 2023

Quantum Commodity Intelligence – The UN's Corsia aviation carbon reduction scheme has received 11 applications from companies and organisations that will be assessed on their eligibility to supply emissions reduction units for the first phase that goes live next year.

The 11 applications are in addition to approvals already gained by the American Carbon Registry and the Architecture for REDD+ Transactions.

Registries Verra, Gold Standard and the Global Carbon Council have also previously told Quantum they plan to apply for eligibility later in the year.

"ICAO received eleven responses to the call for applications. The responses provided - except for the information labeled as business confidential – are included below," said the note from the International Civil Aviation Organisation's Technical Advisory Group, which manages the application process for suppliers to Corsia.

The 11 schemes that have applied for the first time are:

  • Biocarbon Fund Initiative for Sustainable Forest Landscapes (Administered by World Bank);
  • Biocarbon Registry (A certification agency based in Colombia);
  • Carbonpath (A US project developer that captures carbon from disused oil and gas wells);
  • Cercarbono (a certified carbon standard based in Colombia);
  • Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (A public-private partnership focused on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and administered by World Bank);
  • International Carbon Registry (An Iceland-based provider of electronic registration for climate projects and issuances of its own carbon credits);
  • J-Credit (a scheme is designed to certify the amount of greenhouse gas emissions reduced and removed by sinks within Japan);
  • KCCI Carbon Standard – a Korean NGO that evaluates and certifies activities in voluntary carbon market;
  • Premium Thailand Voluntary Emission Reduction Program (a voluntary carbon standard provided by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization);
  • Riverse (a French consultancy and provider of monitoring and verification services); and
  • Socialcarbon (a UK-based verification standard that specialises in nature-based solutions).

Several participants in the 2021-2023 pilot phase are re-applying for inclusion in the 2024-2026 period, including Verra, which is the world's biggest verification standard, the Gold Standard and the Global Carbon Council.

ICAO said the public can submit comments on the applications submitted by programmes in 2023 and the material changes to previously-assessed programmes, including regarding their alignment with the emissions unit criteria.

The period for comments is open from 4 May to 3 June 2023.