Stoldt Tankers to trial marine biofuel on cross-Atlantic trip

7 Apr 2021

London (Quantum Commodity Intelligence) - Norwegian ship and terminal owner Stoldt-Nielsen will trial marine biofuel made from waste products in both engines and boilers during a cross-Atlantic voyage for a 37,000 DWT tanker, the company said this week.

The impact of the renewable fuel will be assessed for consumption, power and reliability on its chemical tanker Stolt Inspiration, the shipper said.

Bunkering for the trial was completed in Rotterdam last week.

The Dutch biofuel producer GoodFuels partnered up with Stoldt for the trial and is supplying the renewable marine fuel, which it says delivers a well-to-exhaust carbon emission reduction of 80-90% compared to the fossil equivalent.

"This is just one of the areas that we are exploring as the industry moves towards a carbon-neutral future. We are committed to working with other leaders to explore innovative technologies including biofuels, hydrogen, wind, ammonia and methanol," said Lucas Vos, President at Stolt Tankers.