Tiny volume of ULSD left for delivery after June gasoil future expires
10 Jun 2021
London (Quantum Commodity Intelligence) - June Low Sulfur Gasoil futures expired on the ICE exchange to leave the smallest volume of open interest since records began in February 2015, when the 10ppm sulfur futures replaced the 1,000ppm gasoil futures, data from the ICE bourse showed Thursday.
Just 250 lots of open interest, or the equivalent of 25,000 mt of ultra low sulfur diesel was left for delivery in ARA over the second half of the month.
May expired with 3,320 lots of open interest left.
December 2020 Low Sulfur Gasoil futures previously held the record for the lowest expiry volume prior to June 2021's expiry, when 300 lots of open interest was left.