Scrubbers double in number to benefit from cheap HSFO

30 Apr 2021

London (Quantum Commodity Intelligence) - The number of ships fitted with scrubbers to remove pollution doubled in the thirteen months after the introduction of the 0.5% sulfur cap for marine bunker fuel came into force in January 2020, according to the industry trade body BIMCO.

There are 4,006 scrubber-fitted vessels on the world's oceans currently, up from 2,010 at the end of 2019.

Ships fitted with the technology can continue to burn high sulfur fuel oil, which is currently trading around $100/mt lower than marine fuel (0.5% sulfur) in Rotterdam, Quantum data shows.  

There was a rush to adapt ships before the introduction of the new regulations from the International Maritime Authority.

Some 259 ships were fitted with scrubbers in January 2020.

But the pace has slowed, and just 228 ships were fitted with the technology in the first three months of 2021, although this is partly due to lockdown restrictions in shipyards.

The maritime sector accounts for 2-3% of global emissions, while also transporting 80% of the world's trade, and is under increased focus as a sector deemed difficult to decarbonise in an economic way as well as being subject to unique technical challenges.