Flights numbers in Europe up 6% week-on-week
London (Quantum Commodity Intelligence) - Flights in Europe jumped 6% last week as travel restrictions eased and the summer holiday season started, data from Eurocontrol, the Brussels-based aviation agency showed Monday.
An extra 5,000 commercial flights took off or landed in the 41 countries monitored by Eurontrol, ranging as far afield as Iceland, Morocco, Turkey and the Ukraine.
Flight numbers rose to 96,330 over the seven days to May 30, up from 90,711 a week earlier.
Last week's count, the highest weekly tally this year to date, was up 19,000 flights compared to the seven days to May 2.
But crack prices for jet fuel in Europe fell over the week, Quantum data shows, as the global aviation market suffered from the set back of the persistence of Covid-19 in Asia.
Cracks for jet cargo prices arriving into northwest Europe fell from $5.24/b versus front month Brent on May 24 to $4.82/b on May 28.