European flights drop week-on-week for first time since February
London (Quantum Commodity Intelligence) - The number of flights in the European area has dropped week-on week for the time since mid-February, according to data from Eurocontrol, the Brussels-based air safety organisation.
The third wave of Covid-19, and the travel restrictions and lockdowns imposed in many part of Europe, has stalled a steady recovery in commercial flights in European countries since hitting a low this year in mid-February.
Flight numbers in 41 countries, which range from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean and to Turkey and the Ukraine, dropped to 74,322 over the week to April 9, down from 77,146 a week earlier.
Weekly flight numbers in European skies hit a low this year of just over 60,000 over the week to February 12.
The seasonal downturn in demand over winter coupled with the persistence of Covid-19 has hobbled demand for flying in Europe this year.
Last week's weekly flight number tally was down around 137,000 compared to a year earlier, or around 65%.
Total flight numbers last week were down 33,000 from the seven days to September 25, and the year-on-year comparison was 65% lower last week compared to 55% lower last September.